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malia racing: a dragon boat club

If an item you'd like is out of stock, please email us - we may be able to get one for you.

This summer we worked with Vermont jewelry designer Tossy Garrett, of Tossy Dawn Designs, who created some gorgeous pieces for us.

We're offering all pieces of this limited run for a special introductory price. Don't miss out - order yours today!



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Shop online and help Malia run better programs in the process!

Each time you make a purchase through our fundinco.org/amazon.com portal, Malia receives a 3% of your purchase price. That can really add up and help our organization create better programs. There is no setup involved and no extra fee - so it's a win-win! If our Malia jewelry isn't your thing, please consider making your regular online purchases through our portal.





Malia Paddling & Racing Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to recruit, motivate and train athletes of all ages
to enable them to compete in the sport of dragon boat racing at the regional, national and international levels.

        Located at the Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center, Burlington, VT